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Advancing Brain Health
Advancing Brain Health

From left: 林赛Riera-Gomez, 约瑟夫·麦金利, Gianna Cannestro, 瑞安·加拉格尔, 詹妮弗·佐丹奴

Grant Funds Fellows’ Neuroscience 研究


Five Florida Atlantic doctoral students, whose work embraces computational neuroscience, were recently awarded the second round of Computational Brain Science and Health Graduate Fellowships.

A $1 million gift from the Palm Health Foundation, awarded through its Brain Health Innovation Fund, supports new technologies, 治疗, resources and educational tools to advance brain health in the community.

“Through the generosity and continued support from the Palm Health Foundation, 有才华的年轻佛罗里达大西洋科学家将有机会推进他们受益于计算方法的重要发现,兰迪·D说. 布莱克Ph值.D., executive director, Florida Atlantic’s Stiles-Nicholson 大脑研究所, the David J. S. Nicholson Distinguished Professor in Neuroscience, 也是KU体育官网APP施密特医学院生物医学科学系的教授. “Their novel research is aimed at data-intensive investigations underlying autism, 亨廷顿氏舞蹈症, 神经刺激, 一种大型医学成像文件格式的安全加密方法,并阐明了前额叶皮层在复杂行为中的整体作用.”

Here’s a look at the recipients and their research.

由全国最聪明的一些人进行的研究将极大地促进我们对大脑功能和大脑健康的了解,并将提高棕榈滩县及其他地区社区的福祉. 我们很高兴也很自豪地支持这五名KU体育官网APP的研究生获得计算脑科学与健康研究生奖学金, 谁正在探索神经科学的未知领域,并将科学研究推向新的水平.”
president and CEO of Palm Health Foundation


Neural Synchrony During Parent-infant Interactions in Infants At-risk for Autism
This project will identify early markers for autism spectrum disorders during infancy, 在这个大脑可塑性最强的时期,哪种方法可以帮助临床医生提供更早的诊断和治疗. 研究 shows that coordinated behaviors, 婴儿和父母之间的运动和神经激活是预测社会脑发育的重要发展里程碑, empathy and symbol-use, and may be disrupted in infants at-familial-risk for autism. 给n that autism is a neurological disorder that disrupts social functioning, 在社交互动过程中同时对父母和婴儿进行脑部扫描,有助于确定自闭症患者在自然面对面互动过程中社交缺陷的神经基础. 一种fNIRS神经成像方法可以确定婴儿与其父母共享的人际同步水平是否与他们患自闭症的家族风险有关.
Gianna Cannestro

Gianna Cannestro

Computational Approaches to Optimize Data Analysis for a Huntington’s Disease Model
亨廷顿氏舞蹈症 is a heritable, 终端, neurodegenerative disease with no known treatment or cure resulting in emotional, cognitive and motor dysfunction. Cannestro和合作者计划利用信号处理的方法来梳理健康细胞和亨廷顿舞蹈症细胞之间的功能和连接差异. They will determine potential differences in electrical activity of individual cells, the connective characteristics as the state of intercellular connections, and the resulting network activity. 具体地说, 该项目侧重于优化算法和开发定制的计算分析管道,以处理和处理从多电极阵列实验中记录的大量数据. Identifying such differences can aid in the development of diagnostic identification tools, as well as provide a framework for the development of disease detection and drug screening methodology.


Safeguarding the Brain: Secure Neuroimaging Data Encryption for AI-driven Brain Analysis
The future of medicine is shifting to cloud computing, where health care providers can access patient information anywhere, 任何时候. As the fields of artificial intelligence and neuroscience advance, the development of methods to interpret brain activity becomes increasingly imminent. 最近的研究已经证明了这种解释对特定大脑区域的可行性. 对神经活动模式的解码将揭开认知功能和行为的潜在机制的洞见, potentially revolutionizing medical 治疗. 然而, 这也对HIPAA法规提出了挑战,并引发了对潜在知识产权的担忧. 确保数据安全对于保护患者隐私和鼓励参与神经影像学研究至关重要. 最终, the integration of AI and cloud computing could revolutionize various aspects of health care. 佐丹奴的研究为实现这一目标迈出了至关重要的一步:创建一种安全的加密方法,能够处理大型医学成像文件格式,同时保护内容和患者隐私.


The Influence of Presentation Order and Duration on Learning Task Structure
前额叶皮层在使个体适应不断变化的环境需求的复杂行为中起着不可或缺的作用. 层次错误表示模型提出了前额皮质功能的统一计算帐户,可以复制观察到的活动, while also producing behavioral evidence of more complex structured learning. Gallagher的研究旨在促进对前额叶皮层的神经机制及其在行为中的作用的理解. 要做到这一点, 他设计了一系列实验,操纵刺激呈现的各个方面(学习任务的呈现顺序和持续时间),以研究时间和结构抽象如何相互作用,以控制多个信息源如何整合. 这项研究的发现将提供有关控制多种信息来源如何整合的神经机制的信息, which can then be used to refine theoretical models of the prefrontal cortex.


Neural Entrainment: A New Complexity Science Paradigm for Healing the Brain
研究 shows 神经刺激, 一种治疗性干预,利用电磁信号破坏与脑部疾病有关的神经活动的病理模式,并诱导新的健康模式, can treat many neuropsychiatric disorders. But the underlying mechanisms of such remain poorly understood. McKinley will develop a nonlinear dynamical theory of 神经刺激, with the goal of informing precise and individualized 神经刺激 treatment, honing a new tool for healing the brain. This research has implications for a wide range of brain-based diseases, including neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, 癫痫, tinnitus and chronic pain, as well as psychiatric disorders including major depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, 广泛性焦虑症, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder and psychosis. 这项研究将使临床神经科学家能够根据个体患者独特的神经组成和特定的病理情况,精确地开出治疗方案.
